Topology is a vehicle to push the overton window forward. To back technologists making sci-fi reality. To reward builders who put everything on the line to change things.

I was deep in some forum and came across this video of jules, a “humanoid” robot. Some people talk about a moment in life where it clearly becomes a before / after world view. In retrospect, this video of jules deep on the internet was my before/after. Something clicked and I had the innate sense that this was now my path.
For as long as I can remember I’ve been deeply troubled by the question: what are we doing here? This led me to exploring many fields—religion, philosophy, evolutionary psychology, and eventually computing.
Pretty soon after this I was with my mom one day in ShopRite when I saw a flyer for a computer programming job advertising for college grads at Fairfield University. I was in highschool and had zero programming experience. I ripped off one of the number slots. I had my mom drive me to the public library and learned everything I could about web programming, submitted the case study, and got the job. From then on I was a web developer, and the genesis for my love of computing couldn’t be unwound. Computers were the clearest lens I had found to understand humanity and our world through. Broadly speaking, my mental model updated to that humans were programmed policy followers with a variety of deterministic and nondeterministic programs running in parallel. By this point I spent a lot of time online and most of my friends were other usernames on the internet. I went on to study computer science in college, machine learning in grad school, and became an engineer at Google.
Casey Caruso